You can live well with a stoma, Ileostomy, colostomy, and urostomy patients can now have a frustration free pouch replacement routine.
Our innovative patented disposable Capture Cartridge® will dramatically improve the quality of life for ostomates. StomaGenie® makes the pouch changing process much easier and hygiene-friendly, ultimately reducing skin irritation and infection, a primary concern for ostomates, doctors, nurses and insurers.
The innovative, patented StomaGenie® is designed to capture and absorb stoma output during the ostomy pouch changing process.
In addition, having a StomaGenie® covering an exposed stoma during a clinical visit allows for a hygiene-friendly examination and treatment of the peristomal skin. Bring a StomaGenie® to your next visit for a more effective appointment.
Experience StomaGenie Capture Cartridge® for a Hygiene Friendly Pouch Change.
A NEW PROCESS for Replacing Your Ostomy Pouch
YOU NO LONGER Have to Leave Your Stoma Exposed
CAPTURE OUTPUT During Your Pouch Change Process
StomaGenie® for a Hygiene Friendly Pouch Change
SecurPress® provides better adhesion for 2-piece pouching systems.
While the StomaGenie® is in place over the stoma, the SecurPress® slides down over the cartridge, pushing the baseplate into place and pressing it firmly against the skin for maximum adhesion and seal.
Available Kits
StomaGenie® Patient Training Kit
StomaGenie® Nurses Supply Kit
StomaGenie® Patient Discharge Kit
StomaGenie® Patient Home Supply
Available on…
VA Federal Supply Schedule: 36F79722D0041